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Our Mission

Dynamix Fitness is a private strength and conditioning studio aimed at delivering the best training experience of your life. We operate on three things… results, community, and culture. Our team of coaches are highly educated, highly certified, and dedicated to helping individuals reach their goals. We guarantee two things, you will get results and you will enjoy the process.


Look good.

Feel good.

Move better.

Dynamix Fitness is a believer in functional movement. What is functional movement you may ask? Functional Movement is exercise based movements built off real life bio-mechanics. Usually these movements involve multiple planes of motion with multiple joints working together. Dynamix Fitness uses high intensity resistance training to work the body both aerobically and anaerobically. This “metabolic training style” will stimulate the body’s ability to increase strength and muscular endurance all while increasing the heart rate and activating the oxidative system.

Every program is completely custom and built specifically to meet your goals.